Pokemon Black & Blue by Peta... That's right, they're at it again! The so-called "People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals" organization, a radical group of folks if there ever was one, has taken upon themselves to create a flash game based off of Pokemon.
In said game, they preach about how Pokemon delivers bad messages to kids about how it's okay to trap animals in small places (i.e. Pokeballs) and teaches kids that animals only exist for the entertainment of humans, who want to capture them and force them to fight against their will. Is PETA insane? The only correct answer is yes. Or "Hell Yes".
If you want to play Pokemon Black & Blue, which is a bit fun and funny, even though we would be best to simply ignore it, hit the link at the top of the article. I've spread some of the vile Peta Pokemon Black & Blue artwork throughout this piece, so you can see the kind of copyright infringement (going way beyond parody IMHO) Peta is messing with. Let's all pray that Nintendo sues the bejesus out of them and bankrupts this corrupt, pathetic organization masquerading as an "animal rights" group.
Those with long memories will remember that PeTA has created other flash games that were parodies of Nintendo titles, including "Super Cluck Bros.", which has grotesque graphics of chickens being killed and brutally cooked to death. While tying it to Nintendo games.... yeah. Many think PeTA has gone to far with this Pokemon game, even using all of the real names of the Pokemon and making fake Pokemon Cards, as you can see above.